Free and convenient COVID-19 testing sites are available in or around your neighborhood, with different options to meet everyone’s needs—even many on a walk-in basis, with no appointment necessary. Fighting COVID-19 requires that each of us get tested when we have symptoms to ensure the safety of our neighbors and all people.
Depending on your health insurance plan, you may be covered for over-the-counter at-home COVID-19 tests, at no cost to you. Learn what is covered under your plan and where to get at-home tests by visiting At-home COVID-19 testing, when done correctly, can be just as reliable as testing in a doctor’s office, at a health clinic, or at a community testing site.
Coverage is provided by Healthfirst Health Plan, Inc., Healthfirst PHSP, Inc., and/or Healthfirst Insurance Company, Inc. (together, “Healthfirst”).
ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-866-305-0408 (TTY 1-888-867-4132).
注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-866-305-0408 (TTY 1-888-542-3821).
Telemedicine (Teladoc) isn’t a replacement for your Primary Care Provider (PCP). Your PCP should always be your first choice for care (both in-person and virtual visits).