
As a Healthfirst broker, you share our mission—offering quality and affordable Medicare Advantage health insurance plans to New Yorkers. Our dedicated Broker Services team works with you to deliver quick solutions, and our secure broker portal is available any time of day to access the resources you need to support your clients.

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Broker Services

1-855-456-3668 See Enrollment Information section below for times and dates.

Get appointed

It’s quick and easy to get appointed with Healthfirst.
You’ll need:
    • Your National Producer Number (NPN)
    • An active New York State Accident and Health Insurance License
    • A copy of your Errors and Omissions Insurance policy
    • A copy of your active AHIP Certification
    Medicare Broker Onboarding and Recontracting
    View Recontracting Video Instructions
    View Onboarding Video Instructions
    Download Onboarding and Recontracting Instructions PDF

    Enrollment Information

    To enroll clients, Medicare business must be submitted through one of our appointed FMOs. For more information, please contact Broker Services during the following schedule:

    October 15 – December 7
    Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm; Saturday 9am-5pm; Sunday 9am-1pm

    December 8 - March 31
    Monday to Friday, 9am-8pm; Saturday 9am-5pm

    April 1 – October 14
    Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

    Individual Medicare Advantage Plans

    Signature (PPO)

    This Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan is for those who want the flexibility to go out of network and visit any doctor and hospital in the U.S. that accepts Medicare. In addition to a $0 monthly plan premium, prescription drug coverage, and copays as low as $0, it offers dental and vision benefits with no additional premium and a Flex card that can be used for dental, vision, and hearing out-of-pocket costs. 

    Signature (HMO)

    This Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan is for those who want the flexibility to pick a benefit that best suits their needs. It is a $0 premium plan that provides a choice of supplemental benefits (OTC card or transportation), prescription drug coverage, and low or no copays, with more than what Original Medicare offers.

    Increased Benefits Plan (HMO)

    This Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan is for those who qualify for Extra Help (also known as Low Income Subsidy (LIS), which helps to lower prescription drug costs. It offers a $0 monthly plan premium,* prescription drug coverage, an OTC Plus card, and low or no copays.

    *If you qualify for Extra Help, your monthly premium will be $0. If you lose Extra Help, your monthly premium may be $36.10.

    Life Improvement Plan (HMO D-SNP)

    This Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan is for those who are eligible for Medicare and who are also receiving full Medicaid benefits or cost-sharing assistance from Medicaid. It offers a $0 monthly plan premium, $0 for most covered prescription drugs, an OTC Plus card, and low or no copays.

    65 Plus Plan (HMO)

    This Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan is for those looking for hospital, medical, and prescription drug coverage all in one plan. It offers a $0 monthly plan premium, prescription drug coverage, and low or no copays, with more than what Original Medicare offers.

    Connection Plan (HMO D-SNP)

    This Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plan is for those who are eligible for Medicare and who are also receiving full Medicaid benefits or cost-sharing assistance from Medicaid. It offers a $0 monthly plan premium, OTC Plus card, prescription drug coverage, and low or no copays.

    Summary of Benefits and Coverage

    Signature (PPO)
    Signature (HMO)
    Increased Benefits Plan (HMO)
    Life Improvement Plan (HMO D-SNP)
    65 Plus Plan (HMO)
    Connection Plan (HMO D-SNP)

    Access to Care

    Provider Lookup

    We work hard to make it easy for you to get the care you need, when you need it. Healthfirst’s HFDocFinder helps members find the care they need—including Primary Care Providers (PCPs), specialists, hospitals, and more.

    Search Provider Network
    Provider Search and Member Portal Sheet
    Care Options
    Flu Shot Locations

    Coverage is provided by Healthfirst Health Plan, Inc. or Healthfirst Insurance Company, Inc. (“Healthfirst”). Healthfirst Medicare Plan has HMO and PPO plans with a Medicare contract. Our SNPs also have contracts with the NY State Medicaid program. Enrollment in Healthfirst Medicare Plan depends on contract renewal.

    Plans contain exclusions and limitations. Plans above reflect amounts after Extra Help or Medicaid secondary coverage has been applied. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Benefits, premiums, and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1 of each year.

    Healthfirst Medicare Plan, Inc. complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.

    ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-866-305-0408 (TTY 1-888-867-4132). 

    注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服 務。請致電1-866-305-0408 (TTY 1-888-542-3821).

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